Engaging with linguistic diversity - A study of educational inclusion in an Irish primary school
The volume, co-authored by Déirdre Kirwan and David Little is being published in paperback on 24 December 2020.
The publisher is offering a 35% discount on pre-orders. Click here for more information.
The volume, co-authored by Déirdre Kirwan and David Little is being published in paperback on 24 December 2020.
The publisher is offering a 35% discount on pre-orders. Click here for more information.
“The Impact and Experience of Foreign Languages in the Context of Erasmus+ in All Education Sectors in Ireland” a study by Dr. Britta C. Jung.
For further information:
For further information:
- you can download the full study from the resources section of the Léargas website;
- the author’s slides are also available on the Léargas website;
- the video recording from the launch is available on the Léargas YouTube channel.
Special project idea from Manfred Schewe, Professor Emeritus of University College Cork (UCC), that creatively engages with the current situation of Covid-19 and beyond.
Please follow the link on https://www.ucc.ie/en/scenario/news/
If you would like to join or want to know more please get in touch with Manfred Schewe at [email protected]e.
Please follow the link on https://www.ucc.ie/en/scenario/news/
If you would like to join or want to know more please get in touch with Manfred Schewe at [email protected]e.
Changing contexts, evolving competences: 25 years of inspiring innovation in language education
The publication's central aims are to review and showcase the achievements of the ECML, as reflected in its many projects and publications, and to put its achievements in the context of the broader work of the Council of Europe, which this year celebrates its 70th anniversary. It includes contributions from international experts working at the cutting edge of language education as well as stakeholders responsible for supporting and implementing the outcomes of ECML projects.
You can download the publication at THIS LINK.
Changing contexts, evolving competences: 25 years of inspiring innovation in language education
The publication's central aims are to review and showcase the achievements of the ECML, as reflected in its many projects and publications, and to put its achievements in the context of the broader work of the Council of Europe, which this year celebrates its 70th anniversary. It includes contributions from international experts working at the cutting edge of language education as well as stakeholders responsible for supporting and implementing the outcomes of ECML projects.
You can download the publication at THIS LINK.
******** ENGLISH BELOW ********
Chers auteurs/chercheurs,
L’Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation lance un appel à contributions pour le numéro 8 de sa revue scientifique annuelle, intitulée « Journal of International Mobility – Moving for Education, Training and Research » consacrée à toutes les dimensions de la mobilité internationale dans le cadre de l’éducation et de la formation en Europe et dans le monde.
Pour ce numéro, le dossier thématique s’intitule « De mobilités pré-professionnelles à l’étranger vers des mobilités professionnelles internationales ? Enjeux, parcours, stratégies des divers acteurs ». Nous attendons également des contributions pour les rubriques « Varia », « Cas pratiques » et « Notes de lecture ».
Nous vous invitons à télécharger l’argumentaire et les instructions aux auteurs dans différentes langues en suivant ce lien. La revue accepte des contributions en français, anglais, espagnol, allemand et italien.
Merci de bien vouloir adresser votre article à : [email protected]. Les contributions feront l’objet d’une double évaluation à l’aveugle par les membres du comité scientifique de la revue.
Au vu des circonstances sanitaires actuelles en lien avec le COVID19, la date de soumission des articles est repoussée au 31 juillet 2020.
Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute question complémentaire.
Dear Scholar/Author,
The Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation is calling for contributions for the eighth issue of its annual scientific publication entitled “Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research”, which brings together articles on all aspects of international mobility as part of education and training in Europe and around the world.
For this issue, the special edition will focus on “From pre-professional mobility abroad to international professional mobility: Issues, courses and strategies from various key players”. We are also accepting contributions for our “Miscellaneous” “Case Studies” and “Reading Notes” sections.
The complete call for papers is available for download in different languages using this link. The journal publishes in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian.
Please send your contribution to: [email protected]. Each contribution will go through a double blind peer review by the scientific committee of the journal.
In view of the current health circumstances related to VIDOC19 , the date for submission of items is extended to 31 July 2020.
******** ENGLISH BELOW ********
Chers auteurs/chercheurs,
L’Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation lance un appel à contributions pour le numéro 8 de sa revue scientifique annuelle, intitulée « Journal of International Mobility – Moving for Education, Training and Research » consacrée à toutes les dimensions de la mobilité internationale dans le cadre de l’éducation et de la formation en Europe et dans le monde.
Pour ce numéro, le dossier thématique s’intitule « De mobilités pré-professionnelles à l’étranger vers des mobilités professionnelles internationales ? Enjeux, parcours, stratégies des divers acteurs ». Nous attendons également des contributions pour les rubriques « Varia », « Cas pratiques » et « Notes de lecture ».
Nous vous invitons à télécharger l’argumentaire et les instructions aux auteurs dans différentes langues en suivant ce lien. La revue accepte des contributions en français, anglais, espagnol, allemand et italien.
Merci de bien vouloir adresser votre article à : [email protected]. Les contributions feront l’objet d’une double évaluation à l’aveugle par les membres du comité scientifique de la revue.
Au vu des circonstances sanitaires actuelles en lien avec le COVID19, la date de soumission des articles est repoussée au 31 juillet 2020.
Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute question complémentaire.
Dear Scholar/Author,
The Agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation is calling for contributions for the eighth issue of its annual scientific publication entitled “Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research”, which brings together articles on all aspects of international mobility as part of education and training in Europe and around the world.
For this issue, the special edition will focus on “From pre-professional mobility abroad to international professional mobility: Issues, courses and strategies from various key players”. We are also accepting contributions for our “Miscellaneous” “Case Studies” and “Reading Notes” sections.
The complete call for papers is available for download in different languages using this link. The journal publishes in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian.
Please send your contribution to: [email protected]. Each contribution will go through a double blind peer review by the scientific committee of the journal.
In view of the current health circumstances related to VIDOC19 , the date for submission of items is extended to 31 July 2020.
If you are involved in a creative project that enhances language learning, you might be interested in getting your project recognised with a European Language Label Award. Perhaps your organisation is language aware and you are supporting inclusion through a language learning initiative, or perhaps you’re using ICT to enhance language learning. Applications can be made under several categories, including “Language-friendly society” and “Languages for the future”.
Application deadline is on 2 June 2020 and more information is available on the link above.
If you are involved in a creative project that enhances language learning, you might be interested in getting your project recognised with a European Language Label Award. Perhaps your organisation is language aware and you are supporting inclusion through a language learning initiative, or perhaps you’re using ICT to enhance language learning. Applications can be made under several categories, including “Language-friendly society” and “Languages for the future”.
Application deadline is on 2 June 2020 and more information is available on the link above.
“The Impact and Experience of Foreign Languages in the Context of Erasmus+ in All Education Sectors in Ireland”
online launch
On 28 May you are invited to join in the online launch of the study “The Impact and Experience of Foreign Languages in the Context of Erasmus+ in All Education Sectors in Ireland” by Dr. Britta C. Jung. This study, commissioned by Léargas and the Higher Education Authority and supported by the Irish Research Council, explores how Erasmus+ influences attitudes to and experience of foreign language learning in Ireland. Dr. Jung will present the main findings of the study, followed by a discussion and question-and-answer section.
Register your place on https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/launch-of-the-study-the-impact-and-experience-of-foreign-languages-in-the-context-of-erasmus-in-all-tickets-103814201070
online launch
On 28 May you are invited to join in the online launch of the study “The Impact and Experience of Foreign Languages in the Context of Erasmus+ in All Education Sectors in Ireland” by Dr. Britta C. Jung. This study, commissioned by Léargas and the Higher Education Authority and supported by the Irish Research Council, explores how Erasmus+ influences attitudes to and experience of foreign language learning in Ireland. Dr. Jung will present the main findings of the study, followed by a discussion and question-and-answer section.
Register your place on https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/launch-of-the-study-the-impact-and-experience-of-foreign-languages-in-the-context-of-erasmus-in-all-tickets-103814201070
Make Our Planet Great Again initiative (MOPGA) - 2020 Postdoc CALL
Launched in 2017 by French President Emmanuel Macron, MOPGA supports researcher in the fields of Earth systems / Climate change and sustainability / Energy transition /Societal challenges of environmental issues.
This specific call MOPGA Postdoc 2020 will fund a 12 months postdoctoral contract in a French institution for early stage researchers (if you hold a doctoral degree for less than five years) and it is open until July 5th 2020.
Please inform the French Embassy in Ireland if you are interested on this email address, or contact us during Campus France Ireland’s online opening hours every Wednesday from 4.30 to 6.30pm (the link is posted every week on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CampusFranceIreland)
Details: https://www.irlande.campusfrance.org/MOPGA-postdoc2020
Launched in 2017 by French President Emmanuel Macron, MOPGA supports researcher in the fields of Earth systems / Climate change and sustainability / Energy transition /Societal challenges of environmental issues.
This specific call MOPGA Postdoc 2020 will fund a 12 months postdoctoral contract in a French institution for early stage researchers (if you hold a doctoral degree for less than five years) and it is open until July 5th 2020.
Please inform the French Embassy in Ireland if you are interested on this email address, or contact us during Campus France Ireland’s online opening hours every Wednesday from 4.30 to 6.30pm (the link is posted every week on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CampusFranceIreland)
Details: https://www.irlande.campusfrance.org/MOPGA-postdoc2020
Engaging with Linguistic Diversity describes an innovative and highly successful approach to inclusive plurilingual education at primary level. The approach was developed by Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown, as a way of converting extreme linguistic diversity – more than 50 home languages in a school of 320 pupils – into educational capital. The central feature of the approach is the inclusion of home languages in classroom communication. The benefits, which accrue to pupils from native Irish as well as immigrant families, include: an unusually sophisticated degree of language awareness; high levels of age-appropriate literacy in English, Irish, French and home languages; and from an early age, the motivation and capacity to undertake ambitious autonomous learning projects.
After describing the national context, the book traces the development of Scoil Bhríde’s response to an increasingly diverse pupil cohort and goes on to explore in detail the impact of the response on classroom discourse, pupils’ literacy development, and their capacity for autonomous learning. The authors illustrate their arguments with a wealth of practical evidence drawn from a variety of sources; pupils’ and teachers’ voices are especially prominent. Bearing in mind that Scoil Bhríde developed its approach without access to special funding or resources, the concluding chapter considers issues of sustainability and replication and the implications of the approach for teacher education.
The book makes sustained reference to a wide range of relevant research findings and theories, including translanguaging, plurilingual and intercultural education, language awareness and language learner autonomy. It is essential reading for researchers and policy- makers in the field of linguistically inclusive education.
David Little was formerly Director of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies and Head of the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. For the past ten years, he has played a leading role in the Council of Europe’s work on the language education of migrants.
Déirdre Kirwan was principal of Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown, Ireland, from 1987 to 2015. In 2008 she was nominated European Ambassador for Languages (Léargas) for her active promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity in the school, and in 2009 she received her PhD from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, for her research in this area.
After describing the national context, the book traces the development of Scoil Bhríde’s response to an increasingly diverse pupil cohort and goes on to explore in detail the impact of the response on classroom discourse, pupils’ literacy development, and their capacity for autonomous learning. The authors illustrate their arguments with a wealth of practical evidence drawn from a variety of sources; pupils’ and teachers’ voices are especially prominent. Bearing in mind that Scoil Bhríde developed its approach without access to special funding or resources, the concluding chapter considers issues of sustainability and replication and the implications of the approach for teacher education.
The book makes sustained reference to a wide range of relevant research findings and theories, including translanguaging, plurilingual and intercultural education, language awareness and language learner autonomy. It is essential reading for researchers and policy- makers in the field of linguistically inclusive education.
David Little was formerly Director of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies and Head of the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. For the past ten years, he has played a leading role in the Council of Europe’s work on the language education of migrants.
Déirdre Kirwan was principal of Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní), Blanchardstown, Ireland, from 1987 to 2015. In 2008 she was nominated European Ambassador for Languages (Léargas) for her active promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity in the school, and in 2009 she received her PhD from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, for her research in this area.
Thinking about expanding your library?
Check out these wonderful titles as part of Diverse voices: the 50 best culturally diverse children's books (The Guardian, October 13, 2014). |
Germany: Memories of a Nation (BBC Radio 4)
Click here for more details: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04dwbwz/episodes/guide |
More than 300 films available from the Institut Français
French teachers at all levels can now access the IF Cinema Platform of the Institut Français. More than 300 royalty free films are available (fiction films, feature and short films, films recently released, cultural heritage films and films for young audiences) along with over 50 educational kits. The main purpose of IF Cinema is to allow your students to discover the French cinema. To do so, you could organise a "ciné-club (weekly or monthly screening), organise screenings during events devoted to the French language or simply by watching it in class and making an instructional sequence.
If you are interested in accessing the platform, please make sure to read the terms and conditions first (download below). To download the films, please register on the Institut Français website: http://ifcinema.institutfrancais.com/inscription and fill in the registration form (download below) and send it back to [email protected].
French teachers at all levels can now access the IF Cinema Platform of the Institut Français. More than 300 royalty free films are available (fiction films, feature and short films, films recently released, cultural heritage films and films for young audiences) along with over 50 educational kits. The main purpose of IF Cinema is to allow your students to discover the French cinema. To do so, you could organise a "ciné-club (weekly or monthly screening), organise screenings during events devoted to the French language or simply by watching it in class and making an instructional sequence.
If you are interested in accessing the platform, please make sure to read the terms and conditions first (download below). To download the films, please register on the Institut Français website: http://ifcinema.institutfrancais.com/inscription and fill in the registration form (download below) and send it back to [email protected].
Formulaire d'inscription IF Cinema | |
File Size: | 112 kb |
File Type: |
IF Cinema Lettre d'information et Conditions | |
File Size: | 383 kb |
File Type: |
Mundolingua, Museum of Language and Linguistics in Paris
Mundolingua gives you the opportunity to discover language, languages and linguistics. A real little “discovery area”, Mundolingua invites you on a voyage in an unusual, fun and cozy setting, in the heart of the Latin Quarter: between the Luxembourg Gardens and Saint Sulpice. Click here: http://www.mundolingua.org/en/
Mundolingua gives you the opportunity to discover language, languages and linguistics. A real little “discovery area”, Mundolingua invites you on a voyage in an unusual, fun and cozy setting, in the heart of the Latin Quarter: between the Luxembourg Gardens and Saint Sulpice. Click here: http://www.mundolingua.org/en/